Thursday, July 7, 2011

Small Things

I am thankful that every Thursday I get to sit in-front of my mac and decided what I am thankful for. In Philippians 4:8 we are commanded to think about the things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy; what a better way to remind ourselves than to take pen to paper and write about such things.

Today I am being Thankful for the little things.
1. Its official UNICEF will take my foreign currency. UNICEF has a Change for Good program that collects currency even old bills and makes good use of them. I am thankful here because I can stop lugging around all that change and I am helping others.  

2. I am also thankful that I made a goal list on Tuesday and I have completed half of my goals.
1. Write a daily blog post.
2. Finish downsizing my family albums. I have 15 albums to complete and I have finished 7.
3. Continue setting up Shelfari with the books I have read.
4. Move my Facebook pictures.
5. Reset my twitter password.
6. Reset my Wordpress blog password.
7. Plan my seventh grade homeschool year.
8. Finish reading That’s My Teenage Son by Rick Johnson. Have not really started reading this yet.
9. I also need to exchange some international currency.
10. My biggest goal this week; is to get things in better order.

3. I am thankful for My Husband.

4. I am thankful for My three wonderful boys. They keep life interesting.

5. I am thankful that it is summer and we get to eat, play, read, and take our science experiments outside.  

6. I am thankful that My Wild Child finally caught a squirrel and even more thankful that he let it go free.

7. I am thankful for God and all the amazing things he has done in my life.

8. I am thankful for making list, even this list where I can count the things I am thankful for.

If you want to share something you are thankful for, even a little thing hop on over to Thankful Thursday blog hop.