Monday, April 23, 2012

The Nightmare That Never Ends (Choosing to Accomplish Week 17)

Last week I shared with you how my Amazon account information had been stolen.  This ended up being a bigger life interruption that I could have ever imagined. I spent most of my days talking to Amazon in an effort to secure my information. I felt it was my duty to my fellow Amazon users to point out a huge flaw in their computer system. 

Customers should know that information placed in their Amazon accounts can be accessed from any of these web sites:
And you would never know that the information was even taken. Although Amazon America said that the sites are not connected and information entered on one site cannot be accessed from the other, my experience this week proves otherwise.

You cannot access order information from one site to the other, but your personal data is available to anyone with time and a computer. I am choosing at this time not to close my Amazon account but I am choosing to secure my online data.  

I think of this post as a consumer alert. I know many people use Amazon and it is a wonder site that provides a much needed service but consider carefully the personal information you are choosing to share or store on any website.

I am choosing to accomplish one thing this week and that will be checking and secure all my online data.

For my other goals the list of this is my life are:
1. For my time in the Word I will be meditating on this verse: 
Romans 8:31 
What, then,shall we say in response to these things? 
If God is for us,who can be against us?
2. For my time in Prayer:       
                Praying daily for my hubby  
                Praying for my children that they may build great friendship. The continual softening of my children's hearts.  
                Praying for the women in Group 95 Hello Morning Challenge that they may have an awesome morning time with our Lord.     
                Praying for friends and extended family that have needs. 
                That God to open my eyes to the learning and growing opportunities before me.    
                For the new relationships that we are all building and that we are all open to sharing our hearts and lives.

3. I will still be saying good morning to my girls in Facebook group 95 from the Hello Morning Challenge with Inspired to Action they were a great support during this entire ordeal. 

4. Homeschooling: Completing our school schedule daily

5. Homemaking: daily maintenance of my home

6. Blogging: only as able

Last week blog roll was interrupted and I have a few post that I owed but once my head and heart is cleared and focus I will resume with those articles. 

3. Guess What? My week was very eventful and I will share the Guess What in the future.  
4. Choosing to Pray the scriptures When we choose to commit to the Lord, our enemy sends out his forces to distract us but we should choose to draw closer to the Lord in worship.
5. Week 16 Choosing To Accomplish  

By my Thursday Post the time being placed on taking care of the fraud and displaced my blog time and I had to choose what was best for my family. We also had one of my son's hamster die on Friday morning. Family always before blogging.

7. Simplifying my online account, less is definitely more.
Source: via Eileen on Pinterest
8. I finished reading The Disciplined by Calvin Miller. Please check back on Thursday for my review of this book.
Source: via Eileen on Pinterest
This week I will be finishing listening to the audio of The Next Story: Life and Faith after the Digital Explosion by Tim Challies. 

My basic goal for the year is to finish reading a book per week. 

9. Working out for an hour each day.  

10. Organizing my online files. Although I am a little disheartened by this event I love writing my blog and communicating in this wonderful world I have found here and I am choosing to continue. I realized that I need time to regroup and find my focus.

I thank you all for support.

What are you Choosing to accomplish this week?
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