All other thing being equal, would you rather read a book that’s hard/challenging/rewarding or light/enjoyable/easy?
I would rather read a book that's hard, challenging and rewarding. I guess the good thing about light, enjoyable and easy book, is they can be read in an hour.
Also for my bookie friends my first book review is up - Here is the link - Review.
Today I will Choose ……………..
I will choose, love
I will choose, Laughter
I will choose, peace
I will choose, to find the beauty in all that I see
Is the list not endless?
I will choose to follow Christ.
I will choose to accept the things I cannot change, knowing God Can.
I will choose to ask God for wisdom.
I will choose to live one day at a time.
I will choose to surrender to the will of God for my life.
I will choose to thank Him for my many choices and pray that he guides me home.
What will you choose today?