Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Keeping My Word

This is just a thought I wanted to share to see what other think. I tend to see things differently. I grew in a culture where words were many and there is a lot of water under the bridge. I have really this last year been brought to a place where I am weighting my words. Truly with a sincere heart counting the cost of all I say. 

“Sticks and Stones my break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Has been replaced with and I will give account for every careless word I say. The monologue in my head tends to be a running chorus of scriptures on how I should speak.

Ecclesiastes 5:2
 2 Do not be quick with your mouth, 
   do not be hasty in your heart 
   to utter anything before God. 
God is in heaven 
   and you are on earth, 
   so let your words be few.
Matthew 5:3737 All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.  
What are some simple tips for following this scripture?
  1. I have taken a no excuses path to this scripture making me a lot more careful with what I say yes or no too.
  2. Unless you are on a game show, never say yes or no without taking the time to think about your decision.
  3. Make sure you are at peace with your decision. If you are worried or uncertain take the time to find that peace.
  4. Get advise or talk through your decision with a trusted friend
  5. Never feel bad for saying "I'll get back to you or can I let you know later?"
  6. We need to accept that we cannot take back our word
I am always thankful for those moments when I fail to get all the necessary information and God intercedes for me. Yesterday, my son asked if he could purchase a second hamster so our little Chewy could have a friend. Without any research or additional information I said yes. 

Realizing that I was struggling with my decision but had already said YES. I told him that although I had some concerns the decision was his to make. Not taking back my word created the opportunity to talk with my son about his decision. Was he putting his needs ahead of Chewy?
He wants a second hamster, but I did not think he had considered what Chewy wanted. Chewy gets played with a lot and is very happy. She might not want to share the attention or even her home with another Hamster. She has been living alone for the last three months. 

Maybe I am a little sensitive because I do feel like we are invading my Mother and Sister's space. Being or feeling displaced can be very stressful, so why stress out our little Chewy.

God worked this situation out without me having to take back my word. I trusted him and he provided a way out. I had my son call the pet store to ask some more questions.  The manager told him that the hamster he wanted was a different breed from our beloved Chewy and would not be a good companion for her. God blessed us with the perfect pet hamster in Chewy and continues to safe guard her.

When we keep our word and seek God first, He always honors our efforts. Perfection, not necessary, just sincere hearts.