Monday, December 19, 2011

Ten Ways To Keep Christ in Christmas

1. Start by sharing the prophecies that tell of Jesus’ birth

2. Focus your children on creating a celebration for baby Jesus.
What kind of cake should we get him?
What would Jesus like as a birth present? (Usually something they can do for others)

3. Help them to focus more on what they can do for other through service rather than buying gifts. This can be an activity you plan or random acts of kindness.  

4. For the 4 days leading to d-day read the Christmas story to your children from the four gospels.

5. Explain that Jesus came to make the ultimate act of service, with a call for them to serve instead of giving mother and daddy gifts. We teach by example, if we are all about the gifts our children will be too.

6. Eliminate the greed of the Santa myth by explaining the story of the real Saint Nicholas. We always told the boys that it was their responsibility to be Santa for a less fortunate child where by continuing the charity work of Saint Nicholas.

7. Focus more on enjoying and planning fun times together and less on shopping. Have your priorities in order, if you are spending most of you time trying to find that perfect gift, your children will know what is most important.

8. This is also a great time to start a family tradition. Our boys camp out on Christmas Eve in the living room, with hot chocolate and some treat. It’s a great way to enjoy the Christmas tree lights and the boys still ask to do it every year. I started doing this when my oldest was two.

9. Do not feel locked into the December 25 date, life happens. This year we are decorating our tree on December 29 so that we can have what the boys are calling New Christmas. We are having a small Christmas celebration in our home on New Year eve. I will try to have the boys stay us past midnight, if I can keep my eyes open. This will be a first. No one knows when Jesus was born so you celebration should be based on your life.
10. The best way to keep Christ in CHRISTmas is to obey 1 Peter 4:8 and love your family deeply.