Sunday, May 20, 2012

Choosing to Accomplish Week 21

My goals for this week are:

1. For my time in the Word: A Confident Heart by Renee Swope 
The meditation verse of the week is: 
Luke 17:18-19
 Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”

Am I living a grateful life? 

Two weeks ago my baby celebrated his ninth birthday. On Saturday, hubby and I celebrated our eighteen years, I am so glad I found you wedding anniversary and on Tuesday we will celebrate with the Wild Child as he celebrates his thirteenth years. I need to moment to reflect and be grateful for all those blessing.

2. For my time in Prayer:       
                Praying daily for my hubby  
                Praying for my children that they may build great friendship. The continual softening of my children's hearts.  
                Praying for the women in Group 95 Hello Morning Challenge that they may have an awesome morning time with our Lord.     
                Praying for friends and extended family that have needs. 
                That God to open my eyes to the learning and growing opportunities before me.    
                For the new relationships that we are all building and that we are all open to sharing our hearts and lives.
3. I will still be saying good morning to my girls in Facebook group 95 from the Hello Morning Challenge with Inspired to Action they were a great support during this entire ordeal. 
4.  May is our usual vacation month and with that being said I will be taking a bit of a vacation this week. I will be back refreshed and writing with my plans on Sunday night.

My Plans are
  • To enjoy my husband and Boys
  • Read some good books
  • Spend some time thinking
I thank you all for support.
What are you Choosing to accomplish this week?
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