Monday, August 20, 2012

Simple Tips to Organize your Mornings {5 Days of Organizing & Cleaning}

I am Back!

I have joined with some wonderful bloggers to bring you....

I will be inspiring you to organize your life by:

Today is Day one in this inspired series. I thought is only fitting to talk about organizing your mornings as today is the beginning of the Hello Mornings Fall challenge.

Organizing Your Mornings:

1. Place your alarm clock in the bathroom or your closet. The very act of walking to turn off the alarm should keep you awake.

Make sure the alarm is something that will wake you up. I am using the Hello Mornings theme song to wake me up. I just love the energy and beat. the words are inspirational also.

2. Develop a morning routine that places the most important things first but in an order that works for your life.

  • I get up and turn off my alarm
  • Prayer
  • Check in with my Hello Morning Group
  • Go for a walk
  • Time with the Lord
  • Make breakfast for my boys
  • Make my breakfast

3. Have a great bedtime routine.

  • Plan on getting eight hours sleep by going to bed nine hours before your wake up time.
  • Do some deep breathing exercises
  • Mediate on a scripture to help clear your mind.
  • Create a sense of peace so you can get a restful night sleep.

4. "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine"

  • I find that I am more able to sleep knowing that my home is cleaned and ready for the next day. Spend about thirty minutes tidying up and setting up for the morning.
  • We have a kitchen-closed time, so I can clean up and put away the dishes. I love finding the kitchen clean in the mornings, ready for me to make breakfast.
  • It is relaxing for me to know I am waking up to a clean kitchen.

5. This tip is for parents of small children.

When my boys were little, they would appear the moment I opened the bedroom door. It did not matter how quiet I was.

My solution was to complete my morning routine in my bedroom till I wanted them to be awake.

I would wake up, prayer, do an exercise video with no volume, and have my time with the Lord all without leaving my bedroom.

What tips would you share for a better organized morning? I am sure other readers would love you to share them in the comments.

I am honored to be participating in this series with 21 other bloggers. To continue reading more topics on Organization and Cleaning, click below.

As Always

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