Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday's Plan

It was so much fun last week trying to complete my goals after posting them that I am doing it again. Its a great place to keep me accountable.  

Well there were some life interruptions this past week that prevented me from finishing all my listed goals. Items crossed out where accomplished.
1. Write a daily blog post.
2. Finish downsizing my family albums. I have 15 albums to complete and I have finished 8.
3. Continue setting up Shelfari with the books I have read.
4. Move my Facebook pictures.
5. Reset my twitter password.
6. Reset my Wordpress blog password.
7. Plan my seventh grade homeschool year.
8. Finish reading That’s My Teenage Son by Rick Johnson. Started reading
9. I also need to exchange some international currency.
10. My biggest goal this week; is to get things in better order.

I am started with this scripture on my heart for the week, James 5:14, “Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, I will live and do this or that.” If it is the Lord’s will, here is my list:
1. Tidying my “I’m going to go insane spot” for the homemakers challenge this week.
2. Keeping on track with my reading for the Bible in 90 Days/ Blogging through the Bible in 90 Days challenge.
3. Moving my wake up time for The Maximize Your Mornings Challenge (aka HelloMornings) to 5 a.m.
4. Write a daily blog post.
5. Plan my seventh grade home school year.
6. Finish reading That’s My Teenage Son. I realized this past week that I cannot get any reading done at night so I will be waking up an hour earlier to get my reading done.
7. Finish downsizing my family albums. With every thing else that is going on and the method being used this might take longer that I originally thought.  But I am okay with it being on the list for a few week. I need a plan for streamlining this process.
8. Take Tuesday off from my life to celebrate husband’s birthday.
9. Finish reading the Ebook “Trusting God.”
10. My biggest goal this week; is to get things in better order.