Thursday, May 3, 2012

Reviewing The Disciplined Life as I am Booking Through Thursday

Welcome to my Book Review and Booking Through Thursday Post, this week question: Do you have siblings? Do they like to read?

Easy question with an easy answer: I have one sibling, a sister and she loves to read, just not as much as I do. I have no idea what she is reading these days. When she visit us she reads whatever books children have on hand. The boys love recommending books for her to read.

My Book Review this week:The Disciplined Life by Calvin Miller
Source: via Eileen on Pinterest

This was exactly what I needed this week, a quick and simple read yet exactly the information God wanted me to hear. I was planning a simple week where my focus was on my worship and prayer life, this book helped me to see how simple that would be once I threw out my preconceived notions. 

My goal was to draw close to the Grand Enabler and that could not be accomplished with a clock or check list. 

Calvin and quite a few life interruptions reminded of my need to begin the day by asking, "Lord, what will thou have me to do?" 

In three short chapters Calvin reminds us of draw nearer to God, and complete the task God will have us do. 

Calvin wants us to:
  • Breaking the Sensual Thrall
  • Breaking the thrall of materialism 
  • Breaking the Tyranny of the Urgent

He wants us to focus on God's vision for our lives instead of what we need to quit. I really got this instead of focusing on weather or not I should not use the internet in its many forms I should be focus on how to God wants me to use the internet and its many forms. 

Calvin concept is simple and reminds me of the old proverb "the devil finds work for idle hands;" if we are busy about God's works we will certainly have less time for sin. 

Choosing to share my love of books. What are you choosing today?
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