Monday, July 18, 2011


Last week was my spaz week.  A week interrupted. Not having electricity made it difficult to work on some of my goals. I am not adding to this list, I will just be working at finish some of the items from last week.

1. Tidying my “I’m going to go insane spot” for the homemakers challenge this week. My Buffet never looked better.
2. Keeping on track with my reading for the Bible in 90 Days/ Blogging through the Bible in 90 Days challenge. Continues till October 8, 2011, requires an hour of daily bible reading.
3. Moving my wake up time for The Maximize Your Mornings Challenge (aka HelloMornings) to 5 a.m. Continues till August 15, 2011.
4. Write a daily blog post. Always a good goal for a blogger. 
5. Plan my seventh grade home school year. 
6. Finish reading That’s My Teenage Son.  
7. Finish downsizing my family albums.  
8. Take Tuesday off from my life to celebrate husband’s birthday.
9. Finish reading the Ebook “Trusting God.”
10. My biggest goal this week; is to get things in better order.

I was able to live out the scripture, James 4:15, “Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, I will live and do this or that.” It was not the Lord’s will that I completed this list last week, so I am trying again.

The things I accomplished last week are crossed out. Things not on the list that I did are:
1. Cleaned my office and threw out some of the clutter.
2. Cleaned out my closet, in preparation for my yard sale this weekend.

Now your turn: let me know what you have accomplished or plan on finishing ….........