How to set up a calendar for your home:
1. Purchase an eighteen-month desk calendar and some colored pencils or pens.
Replace this calendar every June with another eighteen-month calendar, which allows us to plan ahead.2. Keep every thing on the calendar.
- Kids weekly chores around the house. A good example is when the trash goes to the curb.
- Mark the holidays your family celebrates and vacation times
- I label the boys birthdays with their ages
- I include our monthly menu
- When I complete a monthly or longer cleaning task, I mark it on the calendar. I write on when I will need to change the water filter next.
3. Have children write in their events and appointments.
If an event is not on the calendar, you do not attend the event. The rule helps the boys remember and gives them clear accountability.4. Center your calendar where most of your activity happens.
I keep our calendar on a bulletin board in our living room. Having the calendar in a central location reminds us to use it and makes writing the information on simple.5. Take 20 to 30 minutes to set up your calendar
Beginning in July I first copy important information from the previous year's calendar on to the new calendar.I make a crib sheet of important telephone numbers for the year and attach them to each calendar page.
My model for written information
- Chores are in red
- Church related events for the year are in purple
- Vacation days are blue
- Family celebrations are pink
- Work items are green
- Repeat mommy chores I write in black.
- Appointments are written in pencil incase they need to be moved
For how to plan a menu to include with your calendar read Emmalee at The Hoggat Homeschool. She is writing about 5 Days of Meal Planning & Menu Organization.
To read more from my blogging friends visit our organizer Sarah at Sidetracked Sarah to check out other perspectives on 5 Day of Organization & Cleaning.
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Before you go leave me a comment:
What would you choose to include on your calendar? I would love to learn something new.
As Always
Other post in this series
Day 1: 5 Simple Tips To Organize Your Mornings
Day 2: 5 Simple Tips To Organize Exercise Into Your Day
Day 3: 5 Simple Tips to Organize Healthy Eating Into Your Day