Monday, August 15, 2011

Week in Review 4

Welcome to my day of review and planning.

1. This week my major focus will be starting school. Yeah!

2. Keeping on track with my reading for the Bible in 90 Days/ Blogging through the Bible in 90 Days challenge. Continues till October 8, 2011, requires an hour of daily bible reading.

3. Moving my wake up time for The Maximize Your Mornings Challenge (aka HelloMornings) to 5 a.m. Continues till August 15, 2011. Another challenge completed. I know that there is another challenge coming up but with all I have going on, I have not signed up. Visit the blog if you want to sign up for the next maximize your morning blog.

4. Write a daily blog post. Always a good goal for a blogger.  
Blog I posted:
Saturday 9
The Bible Speaks to My Heart
This was kind of cool
Yes I Can
Wild Child
Praising God
Week in Review 3

5. Most of my time this week will be spent settling our school books and routine.

The things I accomplished last week are crossed out. Things not on the list that I did are:
1.  Hosted a bible talk at my home.
2.  Planned ninety percent of the boys school year.
3. Spent an entire day getting a pet hamster. Who knew it would take so long.
Now your turn: let me know what you have accomplished or plan on finishing ….........