Sunday, August 7, 2011

Week in Review 3

Welcome to my new Sunday night review and planning of my week. Life can be overwhelming, but I will try to keep track of this week better. I have made a shorter list, leaving lots of room for the unexpected.
1. This week my major focus will be planning our entire homeschooling year as we are starting school on August 15. I have three grades to set up. This year we have third, seventh and ninth grade.
2. Keeping on track with my reading for the Bible in 90 Days/ Blogging through the Bible in 90 Days challenge. Continues till October 8, 2011, requires an hour of daily bible reading. We have arrived at 1 Chronicles. I was most touched by 2 Samuel 12:22 He answered, “While the child was still alive, I fasted and wept. I thought, ‘Who knows? The LORD may be gracious to me and let the child live.’ 23 But now that he is dead, why should I go on fasting? Can I bring him back again? I will go to him, but he will not return to me.” David was surrendered to the will of God. As I prepare to move, I am working on being surrendered.
3. Moving my wake up time for The Maximize Your Mornings Challenge (aka HelloMornings) to 5 a.m. Continues till August 15, 2011. Amazing we are on our last week.
4. Write a daily blog post. Always a good goal for a blogger.  I am working on posting my blog the night before. This will be an adjustment, but posting in the morning is not allowing me to be as active as I would like.
Blog I posted:
Excited Reading
Martha and Mary (My most popular post from this week) 
5. Finish downsizing my family albums.  Five albums left.

The things I accomplished last week are crossed out. I shortened my list this week since I am I am officially overwhelmed.  I have a lot going on right now with preparing to start our school year and getting ready to move.

Things not on the list that I did are:
1. Planning and printing the boys school calendars. All 3 of them, yeah. 
2. My turn at family night dinner.
Creamed potatoes, summer corn, tomato & vegetable sauce, dinner rolls, lemonade, and coconut brownies 
3. Shredded and cleaned out some paper work.
4. Made changes to my evolving blog page, let me know what you think.
Now your turn: let me know what you have accomplished or plan on finishing ….........