Monday, September 19, 2011

Week in Review 9

Welcome to my day of review and planning. My plan for this up coming week is a bit of a mess. We are
1. My basic plan for the week is:

Monday: watch the packers as they pack my home. I plan to read a book or two.

Tuesday: the packers are to return but hopefully they would have finished on Monday. Attend our goodbye party.

Wednesday: The big day; everything on the truck. Check in to our hotel. Have dinner with friends.

Thursday: clean the carpets and make sure all our stuff is out.

Friday: turn in the keys; we are officially done at this end.
2. Keeping on track with my reading for the Bible in 90 Days/ Blogging through the Bible in 90 Days challenge. I am two days behind this week. (Matthew 6-26 still needs reading) Continues till October 8, 2011, requires an hour of daily bible reading. I am amazed at how much I am learning by this commitment.
3. I am still maximizing my mornings for the fall session. It is so fun having that extra incentive to get up early.  

4. I have many books I would like to read during this process. I plan to create a list so I can cross them out as I go.

I will be trying my best to read these two books this week.

5. Write a daily blog post.  I will be trying to keep my post short this week so I can spend more time with the boys. Change is emotionally draining.
Blog I posted:
2.  My Heart
7.Week in Review 8  
Now your turn: let me know what you have accomplished or plan on finishing ….........