Friday, February 24, 2012

Run to Him: God is but Am I

My favorite thing about the Bible is that it speaks to me right where I am. The Bible does not require me to change anything about who or where I am in life. Like a good friend, the Word comforts, accepts and advises me right where I am. Then and only then, if I am willing and choose to heed the advise, from my good friend, does the Word bring me to a different place. A place of restoration, change and choices.

The Psalm from the Run to His study that really called on my heart was Psalms 103. I am a mother after all so I heard my Father’s love and wondered how well loved are the children He entrusted to me.

Comparing the Father’s love for me to that I carry for my Boys.

The Lord is:
8 The LORD is compassionate and gracious, 
slow to anger, 
abounding in love.

Am I:
Showing concern for them
Pleasant and slow to anger
Loving them in large numbers 

The Lord is:
9 He will not always accuse, 
nor will he harbor his anger forever; 

Am I:

Repeatedly and annoyingly, accusing them 
or am I 
quickly effectively handling their training and discipline.

The use of the word “harbor” in this verse really hit home with me. Harbor means to carry the germs of. That is a powerful image, which brings to mind how anger can spread and infect our lives. Harbor anger towards our children will definitely destroy our relationships.  

The Lord is:

10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve 
or repay us according to our iniquities.

Am I:
Providing for my children at my own expense
Favoring them and not counting their unfair behavior against them.

The Lord is:
11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth, 
so great is his love for those who fear him; 

Am I: 


Do I have a great love for my children?

I mean a 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Love is patient, love is kind. 
It does not envy, it does not boast, 
it is not proud. It is not rude, 
it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, 
it keeps no record of wrongs. 
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails. 

Does my love fit this scripture?
Is it patient
Is it Kind
Is it not envious,
Is it not boastful,
Is it not proud,
Is it not rude,
Is it not self-seeking,
Is it not easily angered,
And Is it not keeping records of wrongs.
Is it protecting them
Is it trusting them
Is it hopeful
Is it persevering
Is it a love that will never fail? Is my love a Jesus love?

The Lord is:

12 as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. 

Am I:
Do I remove their mistakes or acts that goes against the code of conduct?  

Once we accept responsibility and ask for forgiveness God removes our sins. He remembers them no more.

Isaiah 43:25
“I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake,
and remembers your sins no more.

The Lord is:
13 As a father has compassion on his children, 
so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him; 

Am I: 
Concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of my children.

Note that I do believe that my children are very blessed, but they have perceived suffering and as with every life they do have misfortunes. Now should I be less compassionate because they are not huge issues? No! Imagine how petty our problems are to our almightily God who assures us in Matthew 6 that he will take care of us. Still He has compassion on us.

The Lord is:

14 for he knows how we are formed, 
he remembers that we are dust.

Am I:
God knows me. How well do I know my children? How invested am I in my relationship with them?

Choosing to do a heart check. 

It is fruitful to examine how God treats us and in turn how we treat others. How do your relationships match up with these verses?

Other post in this series:
Run to Him for He Delivers

Beholding Glory