Monday, August 1, 2011

Week in Review 2

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Welcome to my day of review and planning. There is just something about that quote that speaks to me. So, I am writing down my goals for the week and sharing my plans.

1. Keeping on track with my reading for the Bible in 90 Days/ Blogging through the Bible in 90 Days challenge. Continues till October 8, 2011, requires an hour of daily bible reading. I finished reading 1 Samuel. I was most touched by 1 Samuel 3:21 “there he revealed himself to Samuel through his word.” It was a great reminder that we need to be in the Word, always, that is how we come to see and know the Lord.
2. Moving my wake up time for The Maximize Your Mornings Challenge (aka HelloMornings) to 5 a.m. Continues till August 15, 2011.
3. Write a daily blog post. Always a good goal for a blogger. I posted 32 blogs for July. AWESOME
Blog I posted:
Week In Review
My Top Ten Favorite Children's Books
Summer Loving
Two For One
Late Nights
Living The Word (My Favorite of the week)
I Am In Love
Apple Camp week 8
4. Plan my seventh grade home school year. 
5. Finish reading That’s My Teenage Son.  I will post a review of this book.
6. Finish downsizing my family albums.  Five albums left.
7. Reading the Ebook “Trusting God.”
8. Read 10 Things I Want My Son To Know by Steve Chapman
9. My biggest goal this week; is to get things in better order.

August is a busy months, filled with planning, and starting school with The Boys. Lots to do.

The things I accomplished last week are crossed out. Things not on the list that I did are:
1. Spent three days at Apple Camp with the boys.  
2. Hosted a friend over for the boys.
3. Created an about me page.
4. Made some changes to my blog design, I am still learning.
5. Had some interesting lessons at the Mac store. Set up the parental control on our Mac. Top Secret!
Now your turn: let me know what you have accomplished or plan on finishing ….........